What are the different types of Google Ads in 2024?

Every business wants to appear on the top of Google search results and the quickest way to achieve this is through Google ads. Nowadays, Over 80% of businesses use Google Ads for paid advertising. Therefore, learning about the types of Google Ads and when to apply them is crucial.  This

What is Social Media Marketing and How it Works?

Considering the remarkable growth in social media users, which stands at 4.89 Billion in 2023, selecting the role of a social media marketer is undoubtedly a great choice. Every platform here, especially big ones experiences an increase in its usage. With this, there is a significant growth in the number

Top 20 Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

Whether you are a student aspiring to become a digital marketer or an experienced professional, interviews are always tricky. Both presence of mind and knowledge are required to crack the interview and become a digital marketing professional. It is an opportunity that allows you to make a great impression in